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The Importance of an Attractive Book Cover Design

The Importance of an Attractive Book Cover Design

One of the most well-known sayings about books says that books shouldn’t be judged by their covers. However, most of us know that books are most often judged by their covers first and their content later. While the content of a book is important, the cover page is equally important, this is why professional eBook writers focus on creating attractive and appealing covers for the eBooks that they write. 

Agencies and individuals that provide eBook writing services professionally. The recommended design for book covers is one that resonates with the target audience and conveys the message of the author with proficiency. The logic behind designing a visually appealing book cover is simple; people are drawn to attractive things.

The Competition

make book cover designs better then your competition

In the day and age in which we are living, the competition between writers is considerably high; contributed to by the ease of self-publishing. You do not need the services of a huge publishing company to publish and distribute your book or to design the cover of your book.

Nowadays, readers browse the thumbnails of covers of books like they would go through bookshelves previously. This is advantageous to your book, as it gives the potential customers an up-front view of the book cover instead of the spine of the book. The moment a potential customer pauses to see your book cover is your five seconds of fame. Thus, you need to ensure that you use these seconds to your benefit.

The Visuals

add appealing visuals for book design

The visuals on the cover of your book play a crucial role in its success. Essentially, the cover serves one primary purpose: to entice potential readers and persuade them to pick up your book. To achieve this, it needs to be visually appealing. You can achieve this by incorporating images and graphics that align with the theme and title of your book.

Imagine your cover as the face of your book, the first thing people see. It should be attractive, intriguing, and relevant. If your book is a thrilling mystery, consider a design that hints at suspense and excitement. If it’s a heartfelt romance, the visuals should convey the emotions within. 

In essence, your cover should convey the essence of your book and grab the attention of your target audience. So, invest in striking, well-crafted visuals that will make potential readers eager to explore what’s inside. After all, a captivating cover is the first step towards selling the maximum number of copies.


use effective typography on book cover design

The art of arranging text is a critical component in the success of your book cover. Let’s delve into why it holds immense value in capturing the attention of potential readers.

First, your book’s title should be concise, imaginative, and compelling. A well-crafted title can ignite curiosity and desire in your target audience. It’s the first thing people see, and if it’s captivating, it’s the first step to selling your book.

Second, the choice of typography for the text on your cover is equally crucial. The font style, size, and color can speak volumes to your readers. For instance, a whimsical font might suit a children’s book, while a bold, elegant typeface might be ideal for a thriller. The right typography sets the mood and tone for your book, reinforcing its genre and themes.

Additionally, if applicable, consider adding a subtitle. This can create an element of suspense or intrigue, leaving readers curious about what lies within the pages.

In summary, typography on your book cover is not just about aesthetics; it’s a powerful tool to communicate with your target audience, convey the book’s essence, and ultimately boost its appeal and sales potential.

Reasons for Designing an Appealing Book Cover

Reasons for designing an attractive book cover

Designing an appealing book cover is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move that holds substantial value for authors, whether their books are available in print or only in digital format. Let’s explore why an eye-catching cover is a game-changer for authors and how it can boost their success.

1 Increased Visibility:

An attractive book cover stands out in a crowded marketplace. It catches the eye of potential readers, whether they’re browsing in a bookstore or scrolling through online listings. This initial visual engagement can lead to more clicks and, ultimately, more sales.

2 Credibility:

A well-designed cover signals professionalism and care. It tells potential readers that you’ve put thought and effort into your work, which can translate to trust. A cover that looks like it was created with dedication is more likely to be associated with a quality book.

3 Genre and Content Clarity:

Your cover should provide visual clues about your book’s genre and content. It helps readers quickly understand what to expect. This not only attracts your target audience but also avoids disappointing those who might have different expectations.

4 Marketing Advantage:

An appealing cover serves as a powerful marketing tool. It can be shared on social media, in promotional materials, and on author websites. Readers often share books they find visually striking, which can lead to word-of-mouth marketing.

5 Sales Potential:

As mentioned, even if a reader doesn’t immediately dive into your book, a compelling cover can lead to purchases. This, in turn, boosts your sales figures. Increased sales not only generate revenue but also increase your chances of becoming a bestselling author.

6 Author Branding:

A consistent and visually appealing cover design can become a part of your author’s brand. Readers who have enjoyed one of your books are more likely to pick up another if they recognize a similar style or quality in the cover.

7 Awards and Recognition:

Many literary awards and contests consider cover design as a factor in their evaluation. A well-designed cover can enhance your chances of receiving recognition and accolades in the literary world.

The value of designing an appealing book cover is multifaceted. It goes beyond just making your book look good; it’s about increasing visibility, sales, credibility, and recognition, all of which contribute to your success as an author. So, investing in an enticing book cover is an essential step for both new and established writers.

What to Focus On?

know what to focus on when designing a book cover

When it comes to designing the cover for your book, it’s crucial to strike a balance between the elements and the title. This balance is essential because potential readers will initially encounter your book as a tiny thumbnail image. If the visual elements overpower the title, your potential audience might overlook your book because the title becomes too vague or invisible.

So, what should you focus on while creating your book cover?

1 Title Clarity:

Ensure that your book’s title is clear, legible, and eye-catching. Choose a font, size, and color that make the title easily readable, even in thumbnail size. The title is your book’s first introduction, so make it stand out.

2 Visual Elements:

While the title is essential, don’t neglect the visual elements. These should complement your book’s genre and theme, creating intrigue and conveying a sense of the story. The visuals should be intriguing but not so overwhelming that they obscure the title.

3 Color Palette:

Your color scheme should harmonize with your book’s theme and genre. Colors can evoke emotions and set the tone for the story, so choose them wisely.

4 Consistency:

Maintain consistency with the theme, tone, and elements throughout the cover. It should be a cohesive representation of your book’s content.

5 Test Thumbnails:

Create mock thumbnails to see how your cover looks in a small size. Ensure that your title remains prominent and the elements are still discernible when scaled down.

6 Audience Appeal:

Consider your target audience. The cover should resonate with their expectations and preferences, drawing them in with the promise of an engaging read.

Remember that your book cover is the first point of contact between your work and potential readers. To entice them to explore further, strike a perfect balance between your book’s title and its visual elements, making both equally compelling and captivating, even in thumbnail size.

Does The Online Market Need Attractive Designs?

Does The Online Market Need Attractive Designs

Some people might say that the cover of an eBook is not that important or that if you are selling your book online, you don’t need to focus on the cover page. However, you must know that just like physical bookshops, book covers are important for online retailing as well.

The first and foremost information that buyers will receive about your book includes the front view of the book. In simpler words, the readers see the book cover before the book preview, the author’s bio, or even the price.

Even if the book is being promoted via emails or newsletters, the cover will still be the first thing that will be seen. The same goes for the reviews of your book online or in newspapers.

Since the first thing about your book that will come to notice is the book’s cover, it is of utmost importance to create an intriguing book cover that resonates with the readers and appeals to them, while conveying the thoughts and messages of the author at the same time.

Final Words

The cover of a book has significance as it is the first factor that influences the potential readers’ will to buy the book. While the task of writing a book itself has been made easier due to services provided by professional eBook writers, designing an attractive book cover is equally important.

An amazing book cover is an investment, the more time and effort you spend on it, the better the returns will be. However, if you find yourself short on time for producing a book cover; you can always consult and hire designing professionals from reputable agencies like Webookx


The cover of a book is the first thing a reader sees, an attractive book cover is more likely to appeal to the preferences and likes of the reader.

While the content of the book should matter more, a book cover unarguably has a greater impact on the reader.

The first impression is often the last impression. The cover of a book often has the first impression on the reader. The cover of a book should be attractive so it leaves a lasting impression on the target audience and the readers.

Kenneth Joseph

Kenneth Joseph

Your Personal eBook Writers! We Add Words to Your Story To Make Your Book Have An Impact Unlike Any Other