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Banner Guidelines to Self-Publishing Your Book On Amazon Kindle

Self-Publishing Your Book On Amazon Kindle

E-Books have brought an era of advancements and ease with them, this includes services like digital libraries, eBook ghostwriting services, and self-publishing. The ease of self-publishing has helped many writers become published authors without having to deal with the troubles, efforts, and expenses that go into getting noticed and published by a reputable publishing house.

Required eBook Services For Amazon Self-Publication

Why Reputable eBook Ghostwriting Services Companies Recommend Amazon Self-Publishing

Reputable providers of eBook ghostwriting services recommend Amazon as the perfect platform for self-publishing. Amazon self-publishing itself is a simple choice if you wish to become an author of a published paperback book or an eBook. Amazon uses print-on-demand service which lessens the hassle that we normally find in the publishing industry.

You won’t be required to pay a cent if you publish directly with KDP, though Amazon will deduct the printing cost of your book from the royalties you get, if you are selling hardcopies or paperback versions of your book.
A word of advice? Actually put in time and effort to do your book right, instead of just following the technical steps for publishing your book on Amazon. Otherwise, you will have a book that you yourself are not satisfied with.

You, your book, and your readers deserve better than that.

Making Your Book Better With Tips From The Top eBook Ghostwriting Agency:

Making Your Book Better With Tips From The Top eBook Ghostwriting Agency

You might find a lot of articles on the internet that promise you that following their steps will help you get published within the day. While that may be true, the top eBook ghostwriting agency says that rushing through the process will only make you ignore the tiny details and errors, resulting in your book and you looking bad.

This guide serves two purposes. Firstly, we will state and explain the technicalities and the steps for publishing through KDP. Secondly, guiding you along the right path that will make you appear good as an author.

While this guide does not promise you getting published within the day, we do promise that after following through this guide, you will have an amazing Amazon listing, a firm marketing plan, and a book that you will be proud of.

Note that while amazon offers two kinds of publishing services, namely Kindle Direct Publishing and Amazon (traditional) Publishing, this guide is specifically for KDP.

Though each step done right will take time, we promise you the end result will be worth it.

Steps Followed By Top Ghostwriting Agency For Publishing On Amazon KDP:

Steps Followed By Top Ghostwriting Agency For Publishing On Amazon KDP

The top ghostwriting agency recommends following the steps given below in order to publish a book successfully on Amazon KDP.

Step 1: Create an account on Amazon KDP

Visit Amazon’s KDP page and sign to your Amazon KDP account, if you don’t have one already, sign up for a new account.

If you are creating a new account, you will be required to accept the terms of uses. Once you are done with this, you will be able to see your Author dashboard on Amazon.

Step 2: Add a new title for Kindle eBook:

Since it will be your first eBook on KDP, click on the “+Kindle eBook” box to add a new title to your Kindle. Enter the information asked for, you can “save draft” if you have to stop in the middle of the process.

Step 3: Enter the details of your book:

  • Set a primary language in which your book is written.
  • Enter the title and subtitle of your book, these are critically important as they are the first thing to appear on your book’s cover.
  • Enter the name of the author.
  • Enter the description of your book, this serves to pitch your sales, and you can write up to 4,000 characters. You can use the bold and italic tags, wisely.
  • Verify the publishing rights for your book, i.e. The publishing rights and the copyright.
  • Choose the keywords for your book that will help your book appear on search results. This works like SEO.
  • Choose the categories for your book, you can choose up to two categories that define your niche.
  • Select an age range for your book, if you have any to apply.
  • Choose the release options for your book. We recommend having a marketing plan before getting ready to publish. So, all your efforts are not in vain. Choose a publishing date and keep saving your book info as you go. But before that, create a proper plan for your book launch.
  • Enable your DRM rights. These refer to Digital Rights Management that helps secure your book from being copied or sent without your permission. The DRM rights cannot be changed after you upload your book.
  • Upload your eBook. While there are options for uploading doc and pdf files, we recommend uploading your book as an epub file. Use the current Kindle format, to make your eBook appealing to readers, eBooks are formatted differently from books for multiple reasons.
  • No matter what, books are judged by their covers, so create a book cover that is both visually appealing and communicates your idea to the target audience. Don’t design your book cover by yourself, even the tiniest error can ruin your book i.e. The font type.
  • Preview your eBook, and do it slowly and thoroughly without rushing through it. Instead of clicking the “launch preview” button, click “preview on your computer”. This can be done by the current previewer app for Windows and Mac. After that, download your eBook through a MOBI link and read it thoroughly.
  • Entering the ISBN and publisher is completely up to you, you can leave it blank as you don’t need these for a Kindle eBook, as long as you intend to publish only on Amazon.
  • Leave the KDP Select for later, you have the liberty of adding it even after publishing your book. KDP Select works to enroll your book in Kindle Unlimited and grants you other marketing options i.e. Kindle countdown deals. Include this decision in your marketing strategy.
  • Select your territories i.e. The places you want your book to be available once it is published. You can choose worldwide rides which will make your book available everywhere unless you wish to place restrictions due to good reasons.
  • Choose a royalty between 35 and 70 percent. Select amazon as the primary marketplace for your book and set the list price. Prices in secondary marketplaces will be then set in accordance with the rates of exchange. However, you can set each one by yourself, manually as well.
  • While it is up to your choice to add to book lending and matchbook. If you want 70% royalty, you will need to enroll in book lending.
  • Save your book and details as drafts until you are ready to publish. Ensure your marketing plan is as flawless as it can be and in motion, before publishing your book.
  • Self-publish your print book if you want. Though it will take more work, i.e. The back covers and spine design, different formatting, and pricing. A print book can help you expand in ways different from eBooks and attract investors, publishers, and clients.


Publishing and self-publishing are skills different and separate from writing itself. Though you might be tempted to rush with the manuscript publishing, taking things slow and thorough may be just what you need to make it more professionally and visually appealing to readers and clients.

As long as you do it in the right way, publishing a book can be the best thing to help you and career.

You might think self-publishing is a long road to travel alone. However, thanks to technology, you can outsource the writing, publishing, or cover designing to an agency that provides top eBook ghostwriting services like Webookx.


The price you will need to pay will be for distribution and it will depend on the size of your book. For every book sold between $2.99 and $9.99, Amazon has a $0.15 charging rate per megabyte.

Self-publishing paperback books and eBooks are free on Kindle Direct Publishing.

Authors make money through Kindle for the books they sell in terms of royalties per book, which is a certain decided percentage of the book’s list price.

Kenneth Joseph

Kenneth Joseph

Your Personal eBook Writers! We Add Words to Your Story To Make Your Book Have An Impact Unlike Any Other